Most Recent Blog Entries

Displaying 211 - 225 of 297 blog entries

Remote Viewing Training, Part One: The Initial Phases, with Paul H. Smith

  Paul H. Smith, PhD, is a founder and past-president of the International Remote Viewing Association. A former Army intelligence officer, he served for seven years as part of the military’s top-secret remote viewing program. He is author of Reading the Enemy’s Mind and The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing. He currently serves as president and chief ... Read More

History of Parapsychology VII. On First Volumes of Influential Journals About Psychic Phenomena

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow, Parapsychology Foundation I recently published a review of the first volumes of three journals that were historically important in the study of psychic phenomena. The review article is entitled “On First Volumes and Beginnings in the Study of Psychic Phenomena: Varieties of Investigative Approaches” ( Journal of Scientific ... Read More

History of Parapsychology VI. Early Examples of Psi from the Living Explanations of Mediumship

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow, Parapsycholgy Foundation One of my last published articles, written with colleagues Michael Nahm and Andreas Sommer, is a historical note about early nineteenth-century examples of explanations of mediumistic phenomena via the psychic powers of the living medium. Here is the reference and abstract: * * * Alvarado, C.S., Nahm, M., ... Read More

Cultivating Psychokinesis, Part Two: The Energy of the Group, with Joseph Gallenberger, PhD

Joseph Gallenberger, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. He is author of Inner Vegas: Creating Abundance, Miracles, and Health and Liquid Luck: The Good Fortune Handbook. He is a senior trainer with the Monroe Institute near Charlottesville, Virginia. Here he describes how he began to bring groups of individuals to Las Vegas to experience the possibilities of training ... Read More

History of Parapsychology V. The Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow , Parapsychology Foundation One of my papers about historical topics, authored with Renaud Evrard, is about discussions of psychic phenomena in nineteenth-century issues of a French journal. It is entitled “Nineteenth Century Psychical Research in Mainstream Journals: The Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger ” ( ... Read More

Recently Donated Materials to the PA Archive

Het Johan Borgman Fonds (HJBF) of The Netherlands has responded to the PA's call for assistance in rebuilding its publications archive  This overseas gift will include our much-needed 1980 edition of Research in Parapsychology, s ome missing issues of the PA News from the 1990's, and other assorted materials from other North American psi research associations. ... Read More

History of Parapsychology IV: G. Stanley Hall as a Critic of Psychical Research

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow , Parapsychology Foundation It is well known that many of the early psychologists were negative about the existence of psychic phenomena, preferring to explain them via conventional principles such as fraud, suggestion, hallucination, and other ideas. Individuals such as Alfred Binet, Joseph Jastrow, and Hugo Münsterberg are ... Read More

History of Parapsychology III: Frederic W. H. Myers

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow , Parapsycholpgy Foundation I published an article about Frederic W.H. Myers entitled “Vignettes on Frederic W.H. Myers” ( Paranormal Review , 2014, No. 70, 3-13). As said in the first paragraph: “Frederic W.H. Myers, a researcher of great importance for the history of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), and for the ... Read More

History of Parapsychology II: Théodore Flournoy

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow , Parapsychology Foundation One of the most interesting early figures in the psychological study of mediumship and other phenomena was Swiss psychologist Théodore Flournoy (1854-1920). In my last published paper, with several colleagues, we reviewed his main psychical research-related work: Carlos S. Alvarado, Everton de Oliveira ... Read More

History of Parapsychology: I. Mediumship, Dissociation and the Subconscious Mind

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow , Parapsychology Foundation In this series of blogs I plan to summarize some of the articles I have published in recent years anout the history of psychical research and related matters. The latter includes mesmerism, and spiritualism, among other topics. One of these papers is “Mediumship, Psychical Research, Dissociation, and the ... Read More

Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism and Science, edited by E. C. May and S. B. Marwaha: Interview with May

Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, Research Fellow , Parapsychology Foundation Edwin C. May and Sonali Bhatt Marwaha recently published a two volume collection of articles,  Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism and Science (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2015). Here I present an interview with Ed May about this work. The book, I believe, is one of the most ... Read More

A New Handbook of Parapsychology

Carlos S. Alvarado, Research Fellow , Parapsychology Foundation Over the years many of us have found a basic reference work of great help. I am referring to the Handbook of Parapsychology, edited by Benjamin B. Wolman, with the assistance of associate editors Laura A. Dale, Gertrude R. Schmeidler, and Montague Ullman (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1977). While still ... Read More

Cultivating Psychokinesis, Part One: A Personal Journey

  Joseph Gallenberger, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. He is author of Inner Vegas: Creating Abundance, Miracles, and Health and Liquid Luck: The Good Fortune Handbook. He is a senior trainer with the Monroe Institute near Charlottesville, Virginia. Here he describes his personal journey starting in childhood. He experienced many flying dreams and out of body ... Read More

NEW THINKING ALLOWED television interview series

Many new interviews with parapsychologists have now been posted.  See If you subscribe to this YouTube channel (at no cost) -- and also notify friends, colleagues, and students -- you can help make this ongoing series available to a wider audience.       Read More

Free PDF of Book on Clinical Parapsychology

A PDF of the book  Perspectives of Clinical Parapsychology: An Introductory Reader  (Bunnik, 2012) is now freely available on the PA website, thanks to the generousity of the Dutch Foundation 'Het Johan Borgman Fonds' who waived all copyrights of the book   in order to make it availlale for free to anyone interested in the topic of clinical ... Read More
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