Parapsychological Association Research Endowment

UPDATE (September 29, 2020): Due to the COVID-19 situation negatively impacting on PA funds, all research awards have been suspended until further notice. 

The Parapsychological Association (PA) received a generous donation from Dr Gertrude Schmeidler to establish an endowment for scholarships and small research grants. Its purpose is to encourage parapsychological research by students and other researchers. Dr Schmeidler was one of parapsychology's leading researchers and educators, and with this endowment she continues and broadens her contributions to scientific parapsychology.

The awards are administered by the Board of the Parapsychological Association through a committee that evaluates the grant requests. One or more awards are made each year, and the Board's preference is to enable two or more projects that require between US$2,000, up to a maximum of US$5,000. These awards are primarily intended to pay for the direct costs of conducting research, but may also be used to help defray other expenses provided the applicant is able to document the relevance of such support to parapsychological research within the application.

PARE Application Process

In accordance with the goals of the Parapsychological Association to achieve a scientific understanding of psychic phenomena, including telepathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, psychic healing, and precognition, experimental research is a primary target for support, but proposals addressing phenomenological, sociological, historical, and other approaches will be considered. Any researchers who have received a PARE grants in prior years must complete that research before being considered for additional funding. Judgments will be made based on the quality of the proposal and its prospects for completion as a useful contribution to the field.

Applications should follow the guidelines below and must be submitted using this template. The deadline for all applications is June 30th.

Please send all materials and inquiries to: Dr. David Vernon at

Allocation of Funds

Ordinarily upon award, 90% of the funds are provided. After the awardee sends a final report to the committee detailing the results of the project and how the money was spent, the final 10% of the grant is disbursed. Under exceptional circumstances the grant committee may decide to disburse the entire amount before the final report is submitted, but a report is still required.

End of Grant Reports

All recipients of research awards are required to submit an end of grant report using the ‘PA Research Grant Report’ template, available here. The minimum requirements for a report are as follows:

1. A brief account of the research conducted
2. A summary of the key findings, identifying any advance in knowledge or understanding resulting from the research
3. Details of dissemination – clearly acknowledging the support of the Parapsychological Association
4. Brief financial statement of costs incurred

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 20 articles

2020 PARE Awardee

The PA funds a naturalistic experimental field pilot study testing the reported ability of Huichol Shamans to manipulate local weather systems in Northern Mexico. More

2019 PARE Awardees

Last Updated: Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Parapsychological Association furthers the scientific study of near death experiences by supporting the research of multi-disciplinary investigators around the globe. More

2018 PARE Awardee

An investigation using Kirlian photography to measure the impact of directed intention on nonbiological targets is the 2018 PARE winning grant proposal. More

2017 PARE Awardees

This year’s PARE funds will support research in associative remote viewing; the psychology of attachment and the exceptional experiences of twins; and perceptual and psychophenomenological traits associated with varieties of healing practices. More

Researchers at EvanLab Explore OBEs through Hypnosis

Last Updated: Friday, October 4, 2019
Is it possible to induce an Out-of-Body-Experience (OBE) using hypnotic suggestion? What might be the electroencephalogram (EEG ) correlates of this experience compared with the EEG correlates of a deep hypnosis? A Parapsychological Association Research ... More

2016 PARE Awardees

This year’s PARE funds will support individual who are investigating near death experiences and out-of-body experiences. More

2015 PARE Awardees

Last Updated: Thursday, November 19, 2015
This year’s PARE funds will support teams who are investigating hypnosis-induced out-of-body experiences and scopathesia. More

2014 PARE Awardees

Last Updated: Monday, October 13, 2014
This year’s PARE funds will support an examination of historical research archives on haunting and poltergeist activity in the United Kingdom, experiments on synchronous physiological responses between twins, and a replication of previous experiments on ... More

Application Guidelines for PARE Grants

Last Updated: Sunday, October 27, 2019
Applications for PARE grants should provide clear information relating to each of the points listed below, which are detailed in the PARE template . Applicants should be aware that the Research Grants Committee will be looking specifically for evidence ... More

2013 PARE Awardees

An investigation of altered states of consciousness and precognitive abilities and research into the role of Facebook as medium for post-mortem communication are the subjects of study for the 2013 PARE winning grant proposals. More

Argentinian Parapsychologists Work with Spiritist Groups to Produce Exhibit and Book

Last Updated: Friday, October 4, 2019
A Parapsychological Association Research Endowment (PARE) grant provided funding for the research project “Spiritism in the Voice of Spiritists,” lead by Juan Corbetta , Juan Gimeno, and Fabian Savall in conjunction with the Instituto de ... More

2012 PARE Awardees Announced

Healing Touch therapy, the role of memory in precognitive dream experience and a replication of Dean Radin’s presentiment studies are the subjects of study for 2012 PARE winning grant proposals. More

Luke: Luck beliefs and Psi-Mediated Instrumental Response (PMIR)

Last Updated: Friday, October 4, 2019
Report of completed research funded by the Parapsychological Association Research Endowment in 2006 More

Terhune: The incidence and determinants of visual phenomenology during out-of-body experiences

Last Updated: Friday, October 4, 2019
Report of completed research funded by the Parapsychological Association Research Endowment in 2005 More

Wilde, David: Do out-of-body experients have better visual imagery skills than non-experients?

Last Updated: Friday, October 4, 2019
Report of completed research funded by the Parapsychological Association Research Endowment in 2005. More
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