Photo Gallery: 54th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association

Displaying 1 - 40 of 43 photos
Glenn Hitchmann presenting a paper titled The Hotel Del Rey is where many of the convention ... Karolina Zychowitz presenting her co-authored ... The view from one of the windows at the ... President David Luke and Arrangments Chair Fabio ...
Singer/guitarists from the Santo Daime church ... Executive Director Annalisa Ventola, Translator ... Panel: Ayahuasca and exceptional human ... Umbanda Percussionists entertaining guests at the ... Banquet decorations provided by local host Fabio ...
Banquet decorations provided by local host Fabio ... Banquet decorations provided by local host Fabio ... Coffee break fare including many delights from ... The Convention Committee: President David Luke, ... The Convention Committee: President David Luke, ...
Fabio Eduardo da Silva The view from the Hotel Del Rey, right across the ... Delegates of the 2011 PA Convention in Curitiba, ... The convention hall where paper presentations ...
Program Chair Marios Kittenis, and student ... Nancy Zingrone, Carlos Alvarado, and 2011-2013 PA ...
Annalisa Ventola (right), PA Executive Director. Nelson´s wife and Roger Nelson and Hoyt Edge ... From L to R, Patric Giesler and Alexander Moreira ... From left to right Bruno Fantoni, Rafael (the ...
Umbanda music show at the PA Banquet. Audience at the convention room From left to right. Board Meeting. Alejandro ... Hotel Building. Speaker Fabio Da Silva
Speaker Roger Nelson Speaker Carlos S. Alvarado Speaker Alejandro Parra Speaker Michael Winkelman Simon Sherwood (chairing), Elizabeth Roxburg and ...

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Delegates of the 2011 PA Convention in Curitiba, ...
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Attendees of the 61st Annual Convention of the ...
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