This issue of Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association focuses on the 57th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association (PA), which took place in August of 2014 in Concord, California.  Christine Simmonds-Moore has written a thorough review of what she found most notable at the PA convention, besides providing her report as PA secretary.  Jeffrey Kripal's J.B. Rhine Banquet Address, Authors of the Impossible: What the Humanities Have to Offer Parapsychology, is also published in this issue.

Elsewhere in the issue, PA President Jim Carpenter contributes a column that delves into an essential aspect of research: the interactive nature of psi phenomena.  Erlendur Haraldsson reflects on a long and fruitful career, Renaud Evrard elaborates on one of the common oversimplifications of psi work by Wikipedia, Leo Ruickbie summarizes the latest Zeitschrift für Anomalistik volume, and Gerd Hövelmann reaches a milestone in his bibliographical contribution.