Wednesday, May 25, 2011   6:37 PM

Wanted: Research Participants

Are you interested in
receiving a psychic reading
as a volunteer in a
scientific research study?

The Windbridge Institute is currently seeking volunteers to act as psychic research reading recipients (PRRRs or "P triple Rs") who will receive and score psychic readings about themselves.

PRRRs must:

  • be 18 years or older,
  • reside in the US, and
  • have NOT experienced the death of any family members, romantic interests, or close friends during their lives. Individuals who have not lost anyone close to them are being specifically recruited in order to attempt to prevent deceased "drop-ins" during psychic readings for living participants.

Psychics are not being recruited for this study.

For more information about other required qualifications and potential responsibilities, time commitments, compensation, and costs and to complete a secure, on-line pre-screening questionnaire, please visit:

Please feel free to share this recruitment information with other interested parties.

Thank you,
Julie Beischel, PhD
Director of Research
Windbridge Institute
 for Applied Research in Human Potential



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