Wednesday, August 14, 2013 12:14 PM
Collected papers of Dr Hubert Larcher
The Institut Métapsychique International is proud to present:
L’Odyssée de la Conscience : anthologie d’études sur la mort, la mystique et le paranormal par le Dr Hubert Larcher (392 p.)
Table of contents and Avant-propos to download here
First chapter: "Pour faire connaissance..."
- Ordering via PayPal here -
This anthology brings together 50 years of works by the former director of the IMI, plus interviews, and a full biographical and bibliographical presentation. Texts collected and presented byRenaud Evrard, Ph.D. in Psychology and PA Professional Member.
The topics covered are:
dying process; 73 altered states of consciousness; parapsychochemistry of divination; NDE; mystical phenomenology; spiritual value of parapsychological phenomena; unorthodox healing; metapsychics and human sciences, etc.

It is also through this book that IMI launched its own publishing house whose goal is to better disseminate the knowledge in the field of parapsychology, in collaboration with iWrite Publications.
How I get my copy?
➢ By check of 28,5€ (including 2,5€ fees) payable to IMI, 51 rue de l’Aqueduc, 75010 Paris, FRANCE
➢ Through PayPal (plus 1€ fees): Order here!