Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1:12 AM
The Journal of Parapsychology
We invite you to submit your high-quality scholarly manuscripts for review and publication. From 1937 to today, the peer-reviewed Journal of Parapsychology has been recognized as an authoritative resource for anyone interested in the scientific study of paranormal phenomena.
J. B. Rhine and William McDougall, of the Duke University Parapsychology Lab, established it to share experimental research with the scientific community. Their strict criteria for evaluating research remain in place today.
The Journal includes papers on original research and theoretical issues, book reviews, correspondence, and abstracts of papers from the Parapsychological Association annual convention. We encourage submissions relevant to parapsychology, including those involving anomalous experiences and alterations of consciousness.
Papers can be empirical, theoretical, methodological, or analytical, from any pertinent discipline, written in APA format. We are indexed in PsycInfo and Scopus.
For submission details, go to www.Rhine.org; at the page bottom, click on Journal of Parapsychology, then on Information for Authors. Please send material to sally.drucker@rhine.org. The Journal is a publication of the Rhine Research Center and Parapsychology Press.