About Me
Dr Callum E. Cooper is currently based at the University of Northampton as a lecturer of positive psychology, parapsychology, sexual behaviour, thanatology and research methods. He is a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, holding post-graduate qualifications in advanced research methods, education, positive psychology and thanatology.
Cooper holds the 2009 Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship (Parapsychology Foundation Inc) and has been awarded the Alex Tanous Scholarship Award (Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research) and other grants from the Foundation since 2011. He is also recipient of the Parapsychological Association's 2014 Gertrude Schmeidler Award.
Books and Chapters
• Cooper, C.E., & Krippner, S. (in production). Foreword. In A. Tanous, E. Schwinge, & A.F. Bambrick (Eds.) Paranormal Psychotherapy: Conventional and Nonconventional Healing of Mental Illness.
• Cooper, C.E. (in press) Sigmund Freud [a short bio]. In J. Raven (Ed.) Sex and Sexuality: Understanding Biology, Psychology and Culture. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
• Cooper, C.E. (in press) Henry Havelock Ellis [a short bio]. In J. Raven (Ed.) Sex and Sexuality: Understanding Biology, Psychology and Culture. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
Steffen, E., Wilde, D., & Cooper, C.E. (2017). Affirming the positive in anomalous experiences: A challenge to dominant accounts of reality, life and death. In N.J.L. Brown, T. Lomas, & F.J. Eiroá (Eds.) International Handbook of Critical Positive Psychology: A Synthesis for Social Change. London: Routledge.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Bilocation. In M. Cardin (Ed.) Ghosts, Spirits and Psychics: The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies (pp. 39-40). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Electronic voice phenomenon (EVP). In M. Cardin (Ed.) Ghosts, Spirits and Psychics: The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies (pp. 75-77). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
• Cooper, C.E., Roe, C.A., & Mitchell, G. (2015). Anomalous experiences and the bereavement process. In T. Cattoi, & C. Moreman (Eds.) Death, Dying and Mysticism: The Ecstasy of the End (pp.117-131). New York: Palgrave Macmillan
• Parsons, S.T., & Cooper, C.E. (2015). Paracoustics: Sound and the Paranormal. Hove: White Crow Books.
• Tanous, A., with Cooper, C.E. (2013). Conversations with Ghosts. Guildford: White Crow Books.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). Telephone Calls from the Dead: A Revised Look at the Phenomenon Thirty Years On. Old Portsmouth: Tricorn Books.
Articles and Papers:
• Cooper, C.E., & Saunders, D.T. (2016). Making things happen: The Society for Psychical Research 69th study day. Paranormal Review, 78, 28-31.
• Cooper, C.E. (2016). Remembering ‘Uncle Al’: Alice Tanous on Alex Tanous and the Alex Tanous Foundation. Paranormal Review, 78, 12-13.
• Cooper, C.E. (2016). The psychic life of Dr Tanous. Paranormal Review, 78, 8-11.
• Cooper, C.E. (2016). The therapeutic nature of anomalous events: A union of positive psychology and parapsychology. In M.D. Smith, & P. Worth (Eds.) 2nd Applied Positive Psychology Symposium: Proceedings of Presented Papers (pp. 98-107). High Wycombe: Bucks New University.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Correspondence. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 15 (2), 202-211.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Correspondence. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 15 (1), 104-105.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Who was Dr Alex Tanous? Fate, 728, 58-63.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). No Coincidence: The Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes goes to Crete. Paranormal Review, 75, 31-32.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Westerncarnation: A report of the Society for Psychical Research’s 68th study day on ‘reincarnation in the Western world’. Paranormal Review, 74, 29-31.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Inside ‘The Rhine’: The Rhine Research Center. Paranormal Review, 73, 24-25.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). An analysis of exceptional experiences involving telecommunication technology. Journal of Parapsychology, 78 (2), 209-222.
• Cooper, C.E., & Saunders, D. T. (2014). Establishing the archive of the Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes. Paranormal Review, 72, 12-13.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Further response to the critique of ‘telephone calls from the dead’ [Letter to Editor]. Christian Parapsychologist, 1, (11), 38-39.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Counselling the discarnate and the methodological approach: Comment on Ferreira (2013). Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 14 (1), 83-86.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Author responds to book review [Letter to Editor]. Christian Parapsychologist, 1 (10), 31-37.
• Evenden, R.E., Cooper, C.E., & Mitchell, G. (2013). A counselling approach to mediumship: Adaptive outcomes of grief following an exceptional experience. Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology, 1 (2), 12-19.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Out of the body and into the lab: Defining Dr Alex Tanous’ abilities. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 4 (1a), 76-79.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Post-death experiences and the emotion of hope. Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, 36 (1), 24-28.
• Cooper, C.E., & Foley, C.R. (2012). Did ET phone home, or was it the dead? Bridging ufology and psychical research with anomalous phone-call experiences. Anomaly: Journal of Research into the Paranormal, 46, 128-143.
• Cooper, C.E., & Parsons, S.T. (2012). The Scammell device. Paranormal Review, 64, 15-21.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). An interview with Dr. Elizabeth E. McAdams. Paranormal Review, 62, 18-22.
• Cooper, C.E. (2011). Further comments on alleged phone calls from the dead. Anomaly: Journal of Research into the Paranormal and Conference Proceedings, 45, 146-154.
• Cooper, C.E. (2011). A study of phone call phenomena. Psi Review, 2, 22.
• Cooper, C.E. (2011). My memories of John L.Randall. Paranormal Review, 59, 26-28.
• Cooper, C.E. (2011). The Ka of ancient Egypt. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 2 (3), 43-45.
• Cooper, C.E. (2011). The science and struggle of psi research. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 2 (1), 43-44.
• Cooper, C.E. (2010). Spontaneous cases concerning telephone calls and text messages. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 10 (2), 178-193.
• Cooper, C.E. (2010). Phone calls from the dead. Anomaly: Journal of Research into the Paranormal, 44, 3-21.
• Cooper, C.E. (2010). When researchers become eyewitnesses to the anomalous: Should seeing be believing? Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 1 (2), 17-20.
• Cooper, C.E. (2010). Text messages from the dead. Paranormal Review, 53, 10-12.
• Cooper, C.E. (2009). The 33rd annual SPR conference, Nottingham. Paranormal Review, 52, 19-23.
• Cooper, C.E. (2008). Apparitions and eyewitnesses. Paranormal Review, 45, 16-20.
Presented Papers:
• Cooper, C.E., Roe, C.A., & Mitchell, G. (2015). Spontaneous post-death events: A natural process of coping and hoping. Paper presented at the BPS Transpersonal Psychology Section’s 19th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, UK.
• Cooper, C.E., Roe, C.A., & Mitchell, G. (2015). Examining what cognitive mechanisms make spontaneous post-death phenomena therapeutic for the bereaved. Paper presented at the joint 58th Annual Parapsychological Association Convention and 39th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Greenwich, UK.
• Smith, L-A., Cooper, C.E., & Ryan, J.T. (2015). A qualitative analysis of telephone telepathy experiences. Paper presented at the joint 58th Annual Parapsychological Association Convention and 39th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Greenwich, UK.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Havelock Ellis’ involvement in psychical research. Paper presented at the joint 58th Annual Parapsychological Association Convention and 39th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Greenwich, UK.
• Saunders, D.T., Evenden, R.E., & Cooper, C.E. (2015). Establishing the CSAPP archives and survival case collections from the Eileen J. Garrett library. Paper presented at the joint 58th Annual Parapsychological Association Convention and 39th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Greenwich, UK.
• Smith, L-A., Reed, L., Hickenbotham, L., Cooper, C.E., & Evenden, R. (2015). Exploring the everyday narratives of young women’s perceptions and practices around genital appearance and sexual identities. Paper presented at the 21st International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, 15th - 17th July, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK.
• Saunders, D.T., & Cooper, C.E. (2015). Dreaming of the dead: Evidence of survival? Society for Psychical Research Lecture 12th February, Kensington, London.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Telephone contact with the dead and other unique methods of after death communication. The 8th Annual Afterlife Conference of the Forever Family Foundation (9th November), Marriott at Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC, USA.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Ghost therapy [bereavement and anomalous experiences]. Presented to the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit (14th October), Goldsmiths, University of London.
• Smith, L-A. Cooper, C.E., Evenden, R.E., Hickinbotham, L., & Reed, L. (2014). Exploring the tensions in situating the vagina as an area of the private versus the public domain. Psychology Staff Research Conference (19th September), University of Northampton.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Anomalous experiences during bereavement and their impact on recovery. Symposium paper presented at the 5th Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference 2nd - 4th September, Chania, Greece.
• Cooper, C. E. (2014). The ghost counsellor: Following the investigations of Dr Alex Tanous. Guest lecture for the Rhine Research Center on Leaders in the Field, Duke Univesity, Durham, North Carolina, USA.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Dr Alex Tanous: The life of a psychic psychical researcher. Presented at the 5th Exploring the Extraordinary Conference, Holiday Inn, York.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Helpful or harmful? Anomalous experiences in bereavement. Presented at the 37th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Swansea University.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). Did ET phone home? Interpretations of anomalous phone-calls. Presented at the 1st Seriously Unidentified Conference, ASSAP 17th November, University of Worcester.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). Telephone conversations with the dead. Lecture given to the Scottish Society for Psychical Research, 7th November, Maryhill Burgh Halls, Glasgow.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). A qualitative study of anomalous telephonic experiences. Presented at the 4th Exploring the Extraordinary Conference, Holiday Inn, York.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). Social views on apparitions and survival in ancient and modern Egypt. Presented at the 36th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Northampton.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). Ghosts on the line: A summary of strange telephone experiences. Society for Psychical Research Lecture 5th July, Kensington, London.
• Cooper, C.E. (2011). Telephone calls from the dead: Returning to the research. Presented at 35th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Edinburgh.
• Roe, C., Cooper, C.[E.], & Martin, H. (2010). A Comparison of ESP performance under remote viewing and Ganzfeld conditions. Presented at the 53rd Annual Parapsychological Association Convention: Enclos Rey, Paris, France.
• Roe,C., Cooper, C.[E.], & Martin, H. (2010). Testing for precognition using remote viewing and Ganzfeld methods. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Society for Psychical Research Conference, University of Sheffield.
Book Reviews:
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). Aspects of consciousness: Essays on physics, death and the mind, edited by Ingrid Fredriksson [Book Review]. Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology, 3 (2), 55-56.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). The Guyra ghost: Original newspaper accounts of Australia’s most prominent poltergeist case by Patrick J. Gallagher [Book Review]. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 15 (2), 197-204.
• Cooper, C.E. (2015). An Arthur Ford anthology, compiled and edited by Frank C. Tribbe [Book Review]. Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, 38 (2), 143-144.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Haunted: The book of Australia’s ghosts by John Pinkney [Book Review]. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 14 (2), 212-214.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Australian ghosts: The most haunted locations of Australia by Jeffrey Fisher [Book Review]. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 14 (1), 95-97.
• Cooper, C.E. (2014). Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions, edited by Mu-Chou Poo [Book Review]. Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, 37 (2), 119-120.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Everyday Spirituality: Social and Spatial Worlds of Enchantment by Sara MacKian [Book Review]. Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, 36 (4), 233-234.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Earth Angel: The Amazing True Story of a Young Psychic by Ross Bartlett [Book Review]. Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, 36 (4), 237-238.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Through a glass darkly: Magic, dreams & prophecy in ancient Egypt, edited by Kasia Szpakowska [Book Review]. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 4 (3), 79-80.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). The Spring: An autobiography of a Mahayog Guru by Ma Ruteshwari [Book Review]. Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, 36 (3), 169-170.
• Cooper, C.E. (2013). Divine moments: Ordinary people having spiritually transformative experiences by Nancy Clark [Book Review]. Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, 36 (1), 49-51.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). Perspectives of clinical parapsychology: An introductory reader, edited by Kramer, Bauer & Hӧvelman [Book Review]. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 3 (3), 61-62.
• Cooper, C.E. (2012). When spirits come calling by Sylvia Hart Wright [Book Review]. Journal of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies, 35 (3), 168-170.
• Cooper, C.E. (2011). Pluralism & the mind by Matthew Colborn [Book Review]. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 11 (2), 215-217.