About Me
Gerd H. Hövelmann was born on February 20, 1956, in Siegen (Westphalia), Germany.
Education and Professional Career:
From 1977 to 1984, Hövelmann studied philosophy (philosophy of science), linguistics, literature, and psychology at Marburg University, Germany (M.A., 1984). He reads more than ten languages even though he competently speaks only two of them.
From 1978 to 1993, Hövelmann did research in mostly government-sponsored projects on nonverbal communication (1978-1982), German dialect geography (1981), evolutionary biology (1980-1985), proto-physics and the conceptual foundations of the natural sciences (1982-1988), cognition (1985-1987), manned space flight (1989-1993), and others. From 1984 to 1993, he was a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Philosophy at Marburg University.
Since 1980, Hövelmann has published some 150 scholarly articles (in 6 languages) in books and refereed journals in various areas including the philosophy and history of science, the philosophy of language, linguistics, semiotics, cultural history, psychology, parapsychology, biology, and space science.
After leaving university in 1993, Hövelmann has been the founder, owner, and managing director of several firms, including a public-relations agency, a translations office, an auction company (1993-1998), and a retail company. He is also active as a free-lance writer with more than 1,150 popular articles (approx. 18,000 manuscript pages) on matters other than science. Entries in several Who's Who and other reference works.
1979-1993 Member, American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR)
1983-present Associate Member (until 1988) and Full Member (since then), Parapsychological Association
1983-present Member, Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie (WGFP) [Secretary, 1988-1996]
1984-present Full Member, Society for Scientific Exploration
1984-1986 Member, Position Papers Committee, Parapsychological Association
1986-present Member, Society for Psychical Research (SPR)
1987-1989 Scientific and Technical Consultant, CSICOP/European Branch
1988-present Member, Language Origins Society
1988-present Member, Board of Directors, Synchronicity Research Unit (SRU)
1992-present Associate, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
1992-present Member, International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
1998-present Supporting Member, Junior Chamber of Commerce
2001-present Member, Board of Directors, Gesellschaft für Anomalistik
2001-present Affiliate, Parapsychology Foundation
1983-1992 Contributing Editor, Parapsychology Abstracts International [renamed Exceptional Human Experience, 1989]
1984-1987 Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Zetetic Scholar
1987 Associate Editor, Zetetic Scholar
1988-1989 Associate Editor, Theoretical Parapsychology
2001-present Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Zeitschrift für Anomalistik
Unlike, he assumes, many other members of the P.A., Gerd H. Hövelmann has never had any experience that might be described as "paranormal" ─ except, perhaps, for what now he tends to reconstruct as an OBE in a life-threatening situation in early childhood.
As he sees it, parapsychology allows putting scientific and philosophical concepts, distinctions, and methods to the test. What happens to those concepts and methods once we approach the fringes of currently accepted scientific knowledge? Are they still valid? Can they sufficiently deal with anomalies or do they need modification? Can the conventional methods of science and philosophy be applied to unconventional problems and questions? What, if they can't? On the other hand, parapsychology might well stimulate the development and application of novel scientific procedures and methodologies that, ideally, might prove to be fruitful for other scientific disciplines as well.
Thus, to Hövelmann, parapsychology is and has always been an intellectual and methodological rather than an ideological or metaphysical challenge.
In addition, the varied, multiple relations that exist between parapsychology (and its precursors) on the one hand and the history of culture, science, and ideas on the other contain many virtually unrecognised treasures that still wait to be raised.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1980): Kooperation und Konkurrenz im wissenschaftlichen Schrifttum der Parapsychologie [Cooperation and competition in scientific writing on parapsychology]. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 22: 143-156.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1981): Correspondence: On 'Hume's fallacy'. Journal of Parapsychology 45: 367-369.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1982): "... not much of a scholarly piece"? In: Duerr, H.P. (Ed.): Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand. Vol. 10. Berlin: Karin Kramer Verlag, pp. 184-198.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1982): Involuntary whispering, conversational analysis, and electronic voice phenomena. Theta 10: 54-58.
Bauer, E., Hövelmann, G.H., Lucadou, W. von (1982): Der Jahrhundertkongreß ─ Cambridge 1982 [The Centenary Conference ─ Cambridge 1982]. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 24: 193-215.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Cooperation versus competition: In defense of rational argument in parapsychology. European Journal of Parapsychology 4: 483-505.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Seven recommendations for the future practice of parapsychology. Zetetic Scholar #11: 128-138.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Zum Problem der Wiederholbarkeit parapsychologischer Experimente [The repeatability problem in parapsychological experimentation]. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 25: 29-54.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Parapsychologen und das Irrationale [Parapsychologists and the irrational]. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 25: 91-105.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Some recommendations for the future practice of parapsychology. In Roll, W.G., Beloff, J., White, R.A. (Eds.): Research in Parapsychology 1992. Metuchen, N.J. & London: Scarecrow Press, pp. 137-140.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Einige Überlegungen nach der 26. Jahrestagung der Parapsychological Association 1983 [Some reflections after the 26th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association in 1983]. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 25: 231-238.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Correspondence [on Mabbett re the term "paranormal"]. Journal of Parapsychology 47: 275-280.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Correspondence [on C.T. Tart re the "fear of psi"]. Journal of Parapsychology 47: 282-283.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Against historicism. Critical remarks on Thomas Kuhn's conception of science and its reception in parapsychology. Journal of Parapsychology 48: 101-119.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Audiatur et altera pars. A tribute to a close friend: Piet Hein Hoebens (1948-1984). European Journal of Parapsychology 5: 191-202 (also publ. in Flemish in Psi-Forum 2 [1985]: 5-15).
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Are psi experiments repeatable? A conceptual framework for the discussion of repeatability. European Journal of Parapsychology 5: 285-306
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): James Randi und das 'Projekt Alpha': Böswillige Täuschung oder wichtige Lehrstück? Eine Dokumentation [James Randi and 'Project Alpha': Malicious deceit or a vital lesson? A documentation]. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 26: 89-109.
Hövelmann, G.H., Zorab, G.A.M. (1985): The Kern City Poltergeist: Some critical remarks on the quality of the evidence and the arguments. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 53: 87-92.
Hövelmann, G.H. (with M. Truzzi and P.H. Hoebens) (1985): Skeptical literature on parapsychology: An annotated bibliography. In: Kurtz, P. (Ed.): A Skeptic's Handbook of Parapsychology. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, pp. 449-490.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1985): Evidence for survival from near-death experiences? A critical appraisal. In: Kurtz, P. (Ed.): A Skeptic's Handbook of Parapsychology. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, pp. 645-684.
Hövelmann, G.H., Zorab, G.A.M. (1986): The Kern City Poltergeist: A reply to Dr. Betty and Professor Stevenson. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 53: 249-253.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1986): Neglected figures in the history of parapsychology: Some general reflections. In: Snel, F.W.J.J. (Ed.): Liber Amicorum in Honour of G.A.M. Zorab. The Hague: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Parapsychologie, pp. 94-126.
Hövelmann, G.H., Krippner, S. (1986): Charting the future of parapsychology. Parapsychology Review 17: (6), 1-5 (reprinted in SRU Bulletin 12 [1987]: 5-13; also published in German in the Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 28 [1986]: 207-217, and in Japanese, as a book chapter, in 1993).
Hövelmann, G.H. (1986): Beyond the Ganzfeld debate. Journal of Parapsychology 50: 365-370.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1987): Max Dessoir and the origin of the word 'parapsychology'. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 54: 61-63.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1987): A constructively rational approach to parapsychology and scientific methodology. Zetetic Scholar #12/13: 110-153.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1987): "Please wait to be tolerated": Distinguishing fact from fiction on both sides of a scientific controversy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10: 592-593.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1988): Parapsychologists and skeptics ─ problems of identification. SRU Bulletin 13: 125-132.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1988): On the survival question: A clarification. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 82: 186-188.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1989): Parariteiten ─ Het belang van woorden bij het spreken over parapsychologie [Pararities: The relevance of words in talking about parapsychology]. Skepter 2: (2), 20-27.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1989): Correspondence [on Palmer's review of the Skeptic's Handbook of Parapsychology]. Journal of Parapsychology 53: 92-94.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1990): The versatility of metaphors. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13: 383-384.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1991): [All German entries]. In: Berger, A.S., Berger, J. (Eds.): The Encyclopedia of Parapsychology and Psychical Research. New York: Paragon House.
Berger, A.S., Hövelmann, G.H., Lucadou, W. von (1992): Spirit extras on video tape? The first field investigation. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 58: 153-164.
Hövelmann, G.H. (2001): Was wissen wir, wenn wir Literatur erkannt haben? [What have we learned once we have identified experiential reports as literature?]. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik 1: 23-29.
Hövelmann, G.H. (2001): Die Unausschließbarkeit des Handelnden [The non-suspendability of the acting person]. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik 2: 48-52.
Krippner, S., Hövelmann, G.H., Combs, A. (in press): The future of psi research: A dozen suggestions in retrospect. In: Thalbourne, M.A. & L. Storm (Eds.): Parapsychology in the 21st Century.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Paradigm rediscovered? ─ oder: Schamanismus total. In Duerr, H.P. (Ed.): Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand. Vol. 12. Berlin: Karin Kramer Verlag, pp. 176-187.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Sprachkritische Bemerkungen zur evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie [A language-philosophical critique of evolutionary epistemology]. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie / Journal for General Philosophy of Science 15: 92-121.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Animal loquens. Kritische Überlegungen zu Vorannahmen, Methoden und Interpretationen in einem Teilbereich der vergleichenden Psychologie [Animal loquens. Critical Reflections on Assumptions, Methods, and Interpretation in Parts of Comparative Psychology]. Master's Thesis. Marburg. [iv+187 pp.]
Hövelmann, G.H. (1985): Bibliographie zur Protophysik und ihrer Rezeption und Diskussion [Bibliography on proto-physics and its reception and discussion]. Philosophia Naturalis 22: 145-156.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1985): Natur und Kultur ─ oder: Von den Tücken einer verfehlten Sprachauffassung [Nature and culture ─ or: The pitfalls of an inadequate language conception]. In Ziegler, W. (Ed.): Organismus und Selektion ─ Probleme der Evolutionsbiologie [Organism and Selection ─ Problems of Evolutionary Biology]. Frankfurt/M.: Waldemar Kramer Verlag, pp. 217-224.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1985): Observaciones crítico-lingüísticas a la teoría evolutiva del conocimiento [Language-critical reflections on evolutionary epistemology]. Diálogo Filosófico 1: 165-171.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1987): Bibliographie zur Selbstthematisierung der Wissenschaft [Bibliography on the Self-Reflection of Science]. Erlangen: Institut für Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg [567 pp.]
Hövelmann, G.H. (1988): The Science of Science: Some Neglected Problems. Invited Lecture to the Center of Logic and the Philosophy of Science and Language, University of Leuven, Belgium, October 1988 [28 pp.].
Hövelmann, G.H. (1989): Animal 'language' research: The perpetuation of some old mistakes. Semiotica 73: 199-217.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1989): Animal 'language' research now and then: Problems of method and interpretation. SRU Bulletin 14: 39-62.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1989): )Técnica o imagen del mundo? [Technology or world view? An essay on the purposes of philosophy of science]. Diálogo Filosófico 5: 364-379.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1990): Space Summit Report. Bericht über die 'International Conference on Manned Space Exploration', Huntsville, AL, Juni 1990 [Space Summit Report on the 'International Conference on Manned Space Exploration', Huntsville, AL, June, 1990]. Cologne: DLR [German Space Agency] [119 pp.]
Hövelmann, G.H. (1991): Philosophische Fragen im Projekt 'SAPHIR' [Philosophical questions of project 'SAPHIR']. Invited paper presented to the Department of Space Systems Analysis at the DLR [German Space Agency], Cologne, October 18, 1991 [26 pp.].
Fromm, J., Hövelmann, G.H. (1992): Technology assessment of human space flight: Combining philosophical and technical issues. Paper presented at the 43rd Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Washington, D.C., Aug. 28 - Sept. 5, 1992 [abstracted in: The World Space Congress Book of Abstracts. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), p. 72].
Gethmann, C.F., Janich, P., Sax, H., Fromm, J., Hövelmann, G.H. et al. (1992): Bemannte Raumfahrt im Widerstreit [Controversies around manned space flight]. DLR-Nachrichten #68: 10-14.
Gethmann, C.F., Janich, P., Sax, H., Fromm, J., Hövelmann, G.H. et al. (1993): SAPHIR: Technikfolgenbeurteilung der bemannten Raumfahrt. Systemanalytische, wissenschaftstheoretische und ethische Beiträge. Ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen [SAPHIR: Technology Assessment of Manned Space Flight. Systems-analytic, Philosophical and Ethical Considerations. Their Possibilities and Limitations]. Cologne: DLR [German Space Agency] [iii+i+56+660 pp.]
Grunwald, A., Hövelmann, G.H., Kozlowski, R. (1993): Methodische Grundlagen [Methodical foundation]. In: DLR (Ed.): SAPHIR: Technikfolgenbeurteilung der bemannten Raumfahrt. Systemanalytische, wissenschaftstheoretische und ethische Beiträge. Ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Cologne: DLR [German Space Agency], pp. 11-113.
Hövelmann, G.H., Lange, R. (1993): Diskursrekonstruktion: Kennedys Entscheidung für den Mond [Discourse reconstruction: Kennedy's decision to go to the moon]. In: DLR (Ed.): SAPHIR: Technikfolgenbeurteilung der bemannten Raumfahrt. Systemanalytische, wissenschaftstheoretische und ethische Beiträge. Ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Cologne: DLR [German Space Agency], pp. 179-244.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1981): Review of John L. Randall: "Parapsychology and the Nature of Life" (German ed.). Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 23: 123-127.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1981): Review of Mirjam Gzara: "Scharlatanerie. Zur Sprache und Beweisführung pseudowissenschaftlicher Literatur" (Dissertation in Forensic Medicine). Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 23: 253-259.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1982): Review of Oskar Schatz (Ed.): "Parapsychologie. Ein Handbuch". Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 24: 242-247.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Review of Hans Peter Duerr: "Satyricon. Essays und Interviews". Psychologie heute 10: (1), 92-93.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Review of Betty Shapin & Lisette Coly (Eds.): "Parapsychology and the Experimental Method". Journal of Parapsychology 47: 68-74 (also published in German in Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 26 [1984]: 241-247).
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Review of Martin Gardner: "Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus" (German ed.). Psychologie heute 10: (10), 74-75.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Review of Eberhard Bauer & Walter von Lucadou (Eds.): "Spektrum der Parapsychologie. Hans Bender zum 75. Geburtstag". Journal of Parapsychology 47: 166-170.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1983): Review of Ivor Grattan-Guinness (Ed.): "Psychical Research: A Guide to Its History, Principles & Practices". Theta 11: 87-89.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Review of Hans Peter Duerr: "Traumzeit" and of Rolf Gehlen & Bernd Wolf (Eds.): "Der gläserne Zaun: Aufsätze zu Hans Peter Duerrs 'Traumzeit'". Psychologie heute 11: (3), 74-76.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Review of William G. Roll, Robert L. Morris & Rhea A. White (Eds.): "Research in Parapsychology 1981". Theta 12: 36-40.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1984): Review of John Beloff (Ed.): "New Directions in Parapsychology" (German ed.). Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 26: 232-234.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1985): Review of Rupert Riedl: "Die Spaltung des Weltbildes". Psychologie heute 12: (5), 79-80.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1986): Review of Stanley Krippner (Ed.): "Advances in Parapsychological Research. Volume 3". Theta 13/14: 18-20.
Hövelmann, G.H. (1986): Review of Paul Feyerabend & Christian Thomas (Eds.): "Grenzprobleme der Wissenschaften". Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 28: 238-242.
Hövelmann, G.H. (in press): Review of Martin Isler: "Sticks, Stones, & Shadows. Building the Egyptian Pyramids".