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Harvey Irwin

Location: Australia

About Me

Until his formal retirement in 2003 Harvey Irwin was an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology, University of New England, Armidale, Australia where he taught Psychopathology. Subsequently he continued his research as an honorary research associate of his former university. When this position was not renewed he joined Manchester Metropolitan University as a Visiting Research Fellow. Harvey's parapsychological research interests relate to belief in the paranormal, psychological bases of parapsychological experiences (in particular, extrasensory experiences, out-of-body experiences, and near-death experiences), the phenomenology of parapsychological experiences, and parapsychology from the perspective of the sociology of science. His non-parapsychological research interests include the origins of dissociative disorders.

In 2002 the Parapsychological Association presented him with an Outstanding Research Contribution Award in recognition of his empirical and theoretical work in parapsychology over the previous 25 years. In 2020 the Parapsychological Association presented him with the Charles Honorton Outstanding Research Contribution Award in acknowledgemnt of his significant research contributions that integrate parapsychology and mainstream science, thereby advancing the discipline of parapsychology.


Irwin, H.J. (2013). Education in parapsychology: Student and instructor perspectives (AIPR Monograph No. 2). Sydney: Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research.

Irwin, H.J. (2009). The psychology of paranormal belief. Hatfield, UK: University of Hertfordshire Press.

Irwin, H.J., & Watt, C.A. (2007). An introduction to parapsychology (5th ed,). Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.

Irwin, H.J. (2004). An introduction to parapsychology (4th ed.). Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.

Irwin, H.J. (1999). An introduction to parapsychology (3rd ed.). Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.

Irwin, H.J. (1994). An introduction to parapsychology (2nd ed.). Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.

Irwin, H.J. (1989). An introduction to parapsychology. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.

Irwin, H.J. (1985). Flight of mind: A psychological study of the out-of-body experience. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.

Irwin, H.J. (1979). Psi and the mind: An information processing approach. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.

Irwin, H. J. (2015). Der Glaube an das Paranormale [Belief in the paranormal]. In G. Mayer, M. Schetsche, I. Schmied-Knittel, & D. Vaitl (eds.), An den Grenzen der Erkenntnis: Handbuch der wissenschaftlichen Anomalistik [At the frontiers of knowledge: Handbook of scientific anomalistics] (Ch. 4). Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer.

Irwin, H. J. (2014). Is scientific investigation of postmortem survival an anachronism? The demise of the survival hypothesis. In A.J. Rock & L. Storm (Eds.), In search of psi: Contemporary perspectives on extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival ( pp. 99-107) . Pari, Italy: Pari Publishing.

Irwin, H. (2014). La experiencia de las apariciones: Una perspectiva fenomenologica. In A. Parra (Ed.), Mente sin Fronteras: Desafios para la psicologia del siglo XXI. El problema de la dualidad mente/cerebro (pp. 265-274). Buenos Aires: Antigua.

Rock, A. J., Storm, L., Irwin, H. J., & Beischel, J. (2013). Parapsychology. In H. L. Friedman & G. Hartelius (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology (pp. 401-416). Chicester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Watt, C.A., & Irwin, H.J. (2009). Processes underlying the phenomena of mysterious minds: Laboratory evidence for ESP. In S. Krippner & H. L. Friedman (Eds.), Mysterious minds: The neurobiology of psychics, mediums and other extraordinary people (pp. 45 -63). New York: Praeger/ABC-CLIO.

Irwin, H.J. (2009). Postscript to 'The disembodied self: An empirical study of dissociation and the out-of-body experience'. In C. D. Murray (Ed.), Psychological scientific perspectives on out-of-body and near-death experiences (pp. 56-58). New York: Nova Science.

Irwin, H.J. (2001). Parapsychology. In G. Howarth & O. Leaman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of death and dying (pp. 344-345). London: Routledge.

Irwin, H.J. (2000). The end: A view from parapsychology. In A. Kellehear (Ed.), Death and dying in Australia (pp. 342-354). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Targ, E., Schlitz, M., & Irwin, H.J. (2000). Psi-related experiences. In E. Cardeña, S.J. Lynn, & S. Krippner (Eds.), Varieties of anomalous experience: Examining the scientific evidence (pp. 219-252). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Irwin, H.J. (1994). The phenomenology of parapsychological experiences. In S. Krippner (Ed.), Advances in parapsychological research: Volume 7 (pp. 10-76). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Irwin, H.J. (1991). [Australian entries.] In A.S. Berger & J. Berger (Eds.), The encyclopedia of parapsychology and psychical research. New York: Paragon House.

Irwin, H.J. (1989). On paranormal disbelief: The psychology of the sceptic. In G.K. Zollschan, J.F. Schumaker & G.F. Walsh (Eds.), Exploring the paranormal: Perspectives on belief and experience (pp. 305-312). Bridport, England: Prism Press.

Irwin, H.J. (1988). Out-of-the-body experiences and dream lucidity: Empirical perspectives. In J. Gackenbach & S. LaBerge (Eds.), Conscious mind, sleeping brain: Perspectives on lucid dreaming (pp. 353-371). New York: Plenum.

Irwin, H.J. (1982). The psychological function of out-of-body experiences. In T. Kasahara (Ed.), Reikon-Ridatsu no Kagaku ("A Scientific Study on Out-of-Body Experiences") (pp. 181-195). Tokyo: Sobun-Sha. (In Japanese.)

Irwin, H.J. (1980). Information processing theory and psi phenomena. In B. Shapin & L. Coly (Eds.), Communication and parapsychology (pp. 25-43). New York: Parapsychology Foundation.


Lange, R., Ross, R. M., Dagnall, N., Irwin, H. J., Houran, J., & Drinkwater, K. (2019). Anomalous experiences and paranormal attributions: Psychometric challenges in studying their measurement and relationship. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice,, 6(4), 346–358.

Irwin, H. J., Marks, A. D. G., & Geiser, C. (2018). Belief in the paranormal: A state, or a trait? Journal of Parapsychology, 82(1), 24-40.

Irwin, H. J. (2018). Stress sensitivity and minimal-self dysfunction as predictors of anomalous experiences and paranormal attributions. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 82(1), 1-14.

Irwin, H. J. (2017). Empathy and parapsychological experiences: A constructive replication. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 81, 1-16.

Irwin, H. J. (2017). An assessment of the worldview theory of belief in the paranormal. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 17, 7-21.

Irwin, H. J., Dagnall, N., & Drinkwater, K. (2017). Tweedledum and Tweedledee: Are paranormal disbelievers a mirror image of believers? Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 81,162-180.

Irwin, H. J. (2017). The minimal self and belief in paranormal phenomena. Journal of Parapsychology, 81(2), 177-195.

Irwin, H. J., Dagnall, N., & Drinkwater, K. (2016). Dispositional scepticism, attitudes to science, and belief in the paranormal. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 16, 117-131.

Irwin, H. J. (2015). Paranormal attributions for anomalous pictures: A validation of the Survey of Anomalous Experiences. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 79, 11-17.

Irwin, H. J., Dagnall, N., & Drinkwater, K. (2015). The role of doublethink and other coping processes in paranormal and related beliefs.  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 79, 80-97.

Irwin, H. J. (2015). Thinking style and the making of a paranormal disbelief. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 79, 129-139.

Irwin, H. J. (2015). Thinking style and the formation of paranormal belief and disbelief. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 15, 121-139.

Irwin, H. J. (2014). Aberrant salience and motivation as factors in the formation of belief in scientifically unaccepted phenomena. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 28, 633-645.

Irwin, H. J. (2014). The views of parapsychologists: A survey of members of the Parapsychological Association. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 78, 85-101.

Irwin, H. J. (2014). Paranormal beliefs, spoken and unspoken. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 14, 11-27.

Irwin, H. J., Drinkwater, K., & Dagnall, N. (2014). Are believers in the paranormal inclined to jump to conclusions? Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 14, 69-82.

Irwin, H. J. (2014). The major problems faced by parapsychology today: A survey of members of the Parapsychological Association. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 14, 143-162.

Irwin, H. J., Schofield, M. B., & Baker, I. S. (2014). Dissociative tendencies, sensory-processing sensitivity, and aberrant salience as predictors of anomalous experiences and paranormal attributions. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 78, 193-206.

Irwin, H. J., Dagnall, N., & Drinkwater, K. (2013). Parapsychological experience as anomalous experience plus paranormal attribution: A questionnaire based on a new approach to measurement. Journal of Parapsychology, 77, 39-53.

Irwin, H. J., & Marks, A. D. G. (2013). The Survey of Scientifically Unaccepted Beliefs: A new measure of paranormal and related beliefs. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 13, 133-167.

Irwin, H. J., & Wilson, K. (2013). Anomalous experiences and the intuitive-experiential style of thinking. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 77, 65-71.

Irwin, H. J., Dagnall, N., & Drinkwater, K. (2012).  Paranormal belief and biases in reasoning underlying the formation of delusions.   Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 12,  7-21.

Irwin, H. J., Dagnall, N., & Drinkwater, K. (2012).  Paranormal beliefs and cognitive processes underlying the formation of delusions.   Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 12,  107-126.

Irwin, H. J. (2012). The pursuit of the paranormal or the study of anomalous experiences?  Parapsychology’s next 25 years.  Journal of Parapsychology, 76(Special Issue), 24-26.

Irwin, H.J. (2007). Commentary on Keith Augustine’s paper. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 26(2), 159-161.

Irwin, H.J. (2007). Science, nonscience and rejected knowledge: The case of parapsychology. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 7(1), 8-32.

Irwin, H.J. (2007). The measurement of superstitiousness as a component of paranormal belief ─ Some critical reflections. European Journal of Parapsychology, 22, 95-120.

Irwin, H.J. (2004). Reality testing and the formation of paranormal beliefs: A constructive replication. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 68, 143-152.

Callaghan, A., & Irwin, H.J. (2003). Paranormal belief as a psychological coping mechanism. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 67, 200-207.

Irwin, H.J. (2003). Reality testing and the formation of paranormal beliefs. European Journal of Parapsychology, 18, 15-27.

Irwin, H.J. (2003). Paranormal beliefs and the maintenance of assumptive world views. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 67, 18-25.R eprinted: Las creencias paranormales y el sostenimiento de las presunciones con respecto a la naturaleza del mundo. Cuadernos de Parapsicologia, 2003, 36(2), 1-12.

Irwin, H.J. (2002). Proneness to self-deception and the two-factor model of paranormal belief. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 66, 80-87.

Irwin, H.J. (2002). Is scientific investigation of postmortem survival an anachronism? The demise of the survival hypothesis. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 2(1), 19-27.

Irwin, H.J., & Young, J.M. (2002). Intuitive versus reflective processes in the formation of paranormal beliefs. European Journal of Parapsychology, 17, 45-54.

Irwin, H.J. (2001). Revision de los modelos teoricos de psi. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 12, 149-170.

Irwin, H.J. (2001). Psychic detection: The use of psi in criminal investigation. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 1, 61-71.

Irwin, H.J. (2001). Parapsychology as a career. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 1, 2-8.

Irwin, H.J. (2001). Age and sex differences in paranormal beliefs after controlling for differential item functioning. European Journal of Parapsychology, 16, 102-106.

Houran, J., Irwin, H.J., & Lange, R. (2001). Clinical relevance of the two-factor Rasch version of the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 31, 371-382.

Lange, R., Irwin, H.J., & Houran, J. (2001). Objective measurement of paranormal belief: A rebuttal to Vitulli. Psychological Reports, 88, 641-644.

Irwin, H.J. (2000). The luck of the paranormal believer. International Journal of Parapsychology, 11(2), 79-95.

Irwin, H.J. (2000). The disembodied self: An empirical study of dissociation and the out-of-body experience. Journal of Parapsychology, 64, 261-277.

Irwin, H.J. (2000). Feminist perspectives in science and parapsychology. Australian Parapsychological Review, 21, 9-13.

Irwin, H.J. (2000). Belief in the paranormal and a sense of control over life. European Journal of Parapsychology, 15, 68-78.

Irwin, H.J. (2000). Age and sex differences in paranormal beliefs: A response to Vitulli, Tipton, and Rowe (1999). Psychological Reports, 86, 595-596.

Lange, R., Irwin, H.J., & Houran, J. (2000). Top-down purification of Tobacyk’s Revised Paranormal Belief Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 131-156.

Irwin, H.J. (1999). Caminando sin rumbo en la niebla: Una reflexión personal de la parapsicologia en la década de los noventa [Meandering in the mist: A personal reflection on parapsychology in the nineties]. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 10, 221-227.

Irwin, H.J., & Green, M.J. (1998-1999). Schizotypal processes and belief in the paranormal: A multidimensional study. European Journal of Parapsychology, 14, 1-15.

Barbato, M., Blunden, C., Reid, K., Irwin, H., & Rodriguez, P. (1999). Parapsychological phenomena near the time of death. Journal of Palliative Care, 15(2), 30-37.

Makasovski, T., & Irwin, H.J. (1999). Paranormal belief, dissociative tendencies, and parental encouragement of imagination in childhood. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 93, 233-247.

Irwin, H.J. (1997). An empirically-derived typology of paranormal believers. European Journal of Parapsychology, 13, 1-14.

Irwin, H.J. (1996). Childhood antecedents of out-of-body and déjà vu experiences. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 90, 157-173.

Irwin, H.J. (1995). Parapsychological aspects of multiple personality. Australian Parapsychological Review, 20, 18-20.

Irwin, H.J. (1995). Las creencias paranormales y las funciones emocionales [Paranormal belief and emotional functioning]. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 6, 69-76.

Irwin, H.J. (1994). The experience of psychic healing. Australian Parapsychological Review, 19, 27-28.

Irwin, H.J. (1994). Paranormal belief and proneness to dissociation. Psychological Reports, 75, 1344-1346.

Irwin, H.J. (1994). Childhood trauma and the origins of paranormal belief: A constructive replication. Psychological Reports, 74, 107-111.

Irwin, H.J. (1993). The near-death experience as a dissociative phenomenon: An empirical assessment. Journal of Near-Death Experiences, 12, 95-103.

Irwin, H.J. (1993). Belief in the paranormal: A review of the empirical literature. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 87, 1-39.

Irwin, H.J. (1992). Origins and functions of paranormal belief: The role of childhood trauma and interpersonal control. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86, 199-208.

Irwin, H.J. (1991). Reasoning skills of paranormal believers. Journal of Parapsychology, 55, 281-300.

Irwin, H.J. (1991). A study of paranormal belief, psychological adjustment, and fantasy proneness. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 85, 317-331.

Irwin, H.J. (1991). The stone-throwing poltergeist in Australia. Australian Parapsychological Review, 17, 18-20.

Irwin, H.J. (1991). The presentation of parapsychology in psychology texts. Australian Parapsychological Review, 18, 21-23.

Williams, L.M., & Irwin, H.J. (1991). A study of paranormal belief, magical ideation as an index of schizotypy, and cognitive style. Personality and Individual Differences, 12, 1339-1348.

Irwin, H.J. (1990). Parapsychology courses and students' belief in the paranormal. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 56, 266-272.

Irwin, H.J. (1990). Fantasy proneness and paranormal beliefs. Psychological Reports, 66, 655-658.

Kellehear, A., & Irwin, H.J. (1990). Five minutes after death: A study of beliefs and expectations. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 9, 77-90.

Irwin, H.J. (1989). The near-death experience in childhood. Australian Parapsychological Review, No. 14, 7-11.

Irwin, H.J. (1989). The Guyra Ghost. Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research Bulletin, No. 13, 8-13.

Irwin, H.J. (1989). Hypnotic induction of the out-of-body experience. Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis, 10, 1-7.

Irwin, H.J. (1989). Extrasensory experiences and the need for absorption. Parapsychology Review, 20(6), 9-10.

Irwin, H.J. (1988). Parapsychology in Australia. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 82, 319-338.

Irwin, H.J. (1988). Out-of-body experiences and attitudes to life and death. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 82, 237-251.

Irwin, H.J., & Bramwell, B.A. (1988). The devil in heaven: A near-death experience with both positive and negative facets. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 7, 38-43.

Irwin, H.J. (1987). Out-of-body experiences in the blind. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 6, 53-60.

Irwin, H.J. (1987). Images of heaven. Parapsychology Review, 18(1), 1-4.

Irwin, H.J. (1987). Charles Bailey: A biographical study of the Australian apport medium. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 54, 97-118.

Irwin, H.J. (1986). The relationship between locus of control and belief in the paranormal. Parapsychological Journal of South Africa, 7, 1-23.

Irwin, H.J. (1986). Personality and psi performance: Directions of current research. Parapsychology Review, 17(5), 1-4.

Irwin, H.J. (1986). Perceptual perspective of visual imagery in OBEs, dreams and reminiscence. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 53, 210-217.

Irwin, H.J. (1985). The link between the out-of-body experience and proneness to lucid dreams: A meta-analysis. Psi Research, 4(2), 24-31.

Irwin, H.J. (1985). Parapsychological phenomena and the absorption domain. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 79, 1-11.

Irwin, H.J. (1985). Is psi a unitary domain? An analysis in terms of performance patterns. Parapsychological Journal of South Africa, 6(1), 34-46.

Irwin, H.J. (1985). Fear of psi and attitude to parapsychological research. Parapsychology Review, 16(6), 1-4.

Irwin, H.J. (1985). A study of the measurement and the correlates of paranormal belief. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 79, 301-326.

Irwin, H.J. (1983). The association between out-of-body experiences and migraine. Psi Research, 2(2), 89-96.

Irwin, H.J. (1983). Migraine, out-of-body experiences, and lucid dreams. Lucidity Letter, 2(2), 2-4.

Irwin, H.J. (1983). How we research the out-of-body experience. Australian Institute of Psychic Research Bulletin, No. 2, 2-4.

Cook, A.M., & Irwin, H.J. (1983). Visuospatial skills and the out-of-body experience. Journal of Parapsychology, 47, 23-35.

Irwin, H.J. (1981). The psychological function of out-of-body experiences: So who needs the out-of-body experience? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 169, 244-248.

Irwin, H.J. (1981). Some psychological dimensions of the out-of-body experience. Parapsychology Review, 12(4), 1-6.

Smith, P., & Irwin, H.J. (1981). Out-of-body experiences, needs, and the experimental approach: A laboratory study. Parapsychology Review, 12(3), 1-4.

Irwin, H.J. (1980). PK and memory: An information-processing model of psychokinetic effects. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 74, 381-394.

Irwin, H.J. (1980). Out of the body Down Under: Some cognitive characteristics of Australian students reporting OOBEs. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 50, 448-459.

Irwin, H.J. (1980). ESP research: Object lessons in the theory and practice of scientific endeavour. Psychology Teaching, 8(2), 1-6.

Irwin, H.J. (1979). On directional inconsistency in the correlation between ESP and memory. Journal of Parapsychology, 43, 31-39.

Irwin, H.J. (1979). Coding preferences and the form of spontaneous extrasensory experiences. Journal of Parapsychology, 43, 205-220.

Irwin, H.J. (1978). Some thoughts on teaching Parapsychology in the Introductory Psychology course. Psychology Teaching, 6, 179-181.

Irwin, H.J. (1978). Psi, attention, and processing capacity. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72, 301-313.

Irwin, H.J. (1978). ESP and the human information processing system. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72, 111-126.


Irwin, H.J. (2006). My career in parapsychology. Parapsychology Foundation Forum, Posted 12 December.Irwin, H.J. (1996, Spring/Summer). Parapsychological research in Australia. PA News, 8-9.

Irwin, H.J. (1995). Part V: Riddles that challenge science. Introduction and time line. In C. Natsis & M. Potter (Eds.), Almanac of the Uncanny (pp. 340-341). Sydney: Reader’s Digest.

Irwin, H.J. (1995). A visit to the Koestler Parapsychological Unit, University of Edinburgh. Australian Parapsychological Review, 20, 33-34.

Irwin, H.J. (1995). A tribute to Charles Honorton, 1946-1992. Australian Parapsychological Review, 20, 43-44.

Irwin, H.J. (1993). Australian notes. Newsletter of the American Society for Psychical Research, 18(1), 11-12.

Irwin, H.J. (1990). Definitions of parapsychology. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 84, 176-178.

Irwin, H.J. (1990). Researcher profile No. 1: Harvey J. Irwin. Exceptional Human Experience, 8, 44-45.











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