About Me
Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. has a doctorate in philosophy (University of Texas, Austin, 2009) writing on philosophy of mind, consciousness, philosophy of science, and philosophy of parapsychology. His dissertation, "Is Physicalism 'Really' Real?" is in recent memory unique at a major university in incorporating empirical parapsychological evidence in defense of a philosophical thesis. Paul also has bachelors and masters degrees in Middle East Studies from Brigham Young University and the National Intelligence University.
Paul is an emeritus of the military's Star Gate remote viewing program. Recruited for the program in 1983 and trained by Dr. Hal Puthoff and the late Ingo Swann, he served for almost exactly seven years of his 20 year military career as an operational remote viewer and remote viewing trainer at the Fort George G. Meade, Maryland arm of the program. He was also the official unit historian during his tenure.
He is president and chief instructor of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc. which for more than twenty years has offered quality remote viewing and consciousness-related instruction commercially. He is a founding director, past vice-president and retired board member, and was twice president of the non-profit International Remote Viewing Association. Currently, Paul serves as a board member for both the Parapsychological Association and the Rhine Research Center. In addition, he has taught seminars and guest-lectured on remote viewing and consciousness topics for universities, conferences, and businesses since retiring from the military in 1997. A full member of the PA and the Society for Scientific Exploration, Paul is also a Life Member of the American Society of Dowsers since 1988. He is also a faculty member of the Rhine Education Center.
Paul's first book, Reading the Enemy's Mind, (Tor Forge, 2005) was a Readers Digest Editors Choice and Book Bonus selection. His latest book, The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing (Intentional Press, 2015) is a tutorial for those just discovering remote viewing. He also provided the curriculum and instructional content for the home-study course "Remote Perception: Basic Operational Training." Together with Garret Moddel, he authored the "Applied Psi" chapter in Cardena, Palmer, and Marcusson-Clavertz's recent book, Parapsychology: A Hanbook for the 21st Century.
You can read Paul's full bio and curriculum vitae here: https://rviewer.com/paul-h-smith/