Sunday, July 8, 2018   7:15 PM

Convention Spotlight: Saddam Hussein Remote Viewing Experiment

On November 3, 2003, a precognitive, double-blind applied remote viewing experiment designed by Stephan A. Schwartz, a Fellow of the William James Center for Consciousness Studies at Sofia University and a Distinguished Consulting Faculty at Saybrook University, was conducted in which viewers were asked to describe the location, circumstances, and conditions of Saddam Hussein, who was then in hiding, including his appearance and state of mind at the time of his capture by U.S. or allied forces. Schwartz used the multi-viewer concept analysis methodology employed in his archaeological research. Forty-seven participants, included military and intelligence personnel participated. The session data from viewers was analyzed concept-by-concept allowing consensual and low a priori patterns across viewers to emerge, which created a set of hypotheses designed to guide subsequent fieldwork. To create an unimpeachable chronology, the originals of the data and Schwartz’ analysis were turned over to a third party, notarized and archived.

Over a month later Saddam Hussein was in fact apprehended which allowed Schwartz to compare the precognitive data and the subsequent reality. We’re curious and intrigued to see the datasets, the notations, and correlations with the reported facts of the event themselves. Join us at the 61st Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association to hear Schwartz share his findings!

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